
Calligraphy Decorative Baby BIrth Certificates

When a new baby enters this world, there is most often such joy. And of course you hear about it because the parents are someone you know!  It's gift time; but what is an original and personalized baby gift? A decorated, personalized birth certificate. They baby never grows out of it, and as the baby grows up, they enjoy seeing it in their rooms.

My favorite poem is from "The Prophet" by Khalil Gibran. I have incorporated this amazing poem with the important information about the baby: Name, birthdate and weight, parents names, and when there are siblings, I put their names as well.  I guess I could also add astrological sign if the parents wanted that as well.

If you are looking for a unique baby gift, consider calligraphy. I can also write baby name definitions, incorporate photography with calligraphy, and anything else you can think of! But get your order in soon, because the Christmas season is starting now!